Incorporation or Re-registration
Who needs to re-register?

All companies formed under the International Business Companies Act and the Companies Act Cap. 250, as well as any business names formed under the Business Names Act, CAP 247 will need to reregister with the Online Business Registration System (OBRS).
How much is re-registration?

Re-registration is free until the 28th of November, 2023
Does the new OBRS system makes conducting business easier or harder on a global scale?

The new digital system is designed to make doing business – on a global level – more efficient and less time consuming. With the newly introduced QR code on the bottom left hand corner of the Certificate of Registration, verifying the authenticity of the document just became way easier.
What is the difference between a domestic and an international business company?

Since the enactment of the Belize Companies Act, 2022 there is no differentiation between the governing law of domestic companies and international business companies. The difference lies in where the company operates and is resident for tax purposes and the purpose and manner for which it operates.
What information is required to incorporate a Belize company?

To register a Belize company, we are required by law to carry out the Due Diligence or Know Your Client (KYC) procedure.
For all beneficial owners and other parties (if any) who have a significant role in the firm, including directors, shareholders, and signatories, we will often require the following documents:
– Certified copy of passport or other identification document;
– Proof of address which can be a utility bill, a bank statement, a reference letter or other acceptable document less than 3 months old;
– Signed Terms and Conditions and completed and signed Company Order Form (you can start by completing it here);
– Bank Reference or Professional Reference letter;
– Document confirming source of funds for registration of the company and initiation of the intended business.
Please contact us for more details on requirements of the documents to be provided.
Annual Filings/Annual Returns/Annual Taxes
What are annual return fees?

The annual return fees are yearly recurring government and professional fees that are paid to keep Your offshore company in compliance with the laws of Belize and therefore, in ‘good standing’.
What is the difference between the Annual Return and Annual Tax Filing?

The Annual Return is an annual filing that is submitted to the Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Registry (BCCAR), annually, to update BCCAR of the company’s corporate structure (for the preceding fiscal year); whereas, the Annual Tax Filing is an annual filing that is submitted to the Belize Tax Service to report on the company’s revenue (for the preceding fiscal year) and tax residence.
What happens if a company’s annual fees are not paid?

Non-payment of annual fees will result in the company losing its status of good standing.
After an entire year of non-payment, the company will be struck off the Register of companies. A company that is removed from the Registrar is still responsible for any outstanding fees. Any creditor may legally assert a claim against a struck-off firm for debts and pursue the collection of those debts through litigation. Such a company also remains liable for all of its commitments and debts. The directors, shareholders, managers, and owners of a struck-off firm are not permitted to engage in any business activities or engage in any new transactions with the Company’s assets. If they do, they are responsible for all debts, liabilities, and legal repercussions that arise as a result of those transactions.
It is possible to restore a company after it has been struck-off the Registrar, but government penalty fees and restoration fees will apply. These will be in addition to all past-due renewal fees.
Will my information remain confidential?

While the registry will request the names of directors and shareholders, the registered agent will not need to provide any passport copies or other KYC Due Diligence documentation to the registry.
How confidential is the Beneficial Owner’s information?

If the company goes through a registered agent, the agent will not be required KYC Due Diligence on the company’s beneficial owner(s).
Is the director, shareholder, and beneficial owner information public knowledge?

The OBRS offers the service of a certified extract; however, only the shareholders of a company or the registered agent of the company will be able to obtain information on the company’s directors, officers, shareholders, or beneficial owners.
Will we still be able to obtain originals from the Registry?

Will we still be able to obtain originals from the Registry?
Does my company become subject to taxes in Belize when it obtains a Tax Identification Number (TIN)?

No, the company will only be subject to taxation in Belize if (a) it elects to become resident for tax purposes in Belize, (b) it fails to provide adequate information to demonstrate its tax residence in another jurisdiction, or (c) if its tax resident in a blacklisted jurisdiction as per the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions.